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Here’s the Total of User Reviews For a
Moisturizer We Recommended For Dry Skin

Overall Rating Total Number of
Number of
5-Star Reviews
Number of
4-Star Reviews
4.7 61,377 51,860 6,173

Summary of Reviews

61,126 Users Reported This Moisturizer Produced The Following Product Benefits:

Removed Dryness, Stopped Itchiness, Reduced Fine Lines & Wrinkles, Didn’t clog pores, More Radiant Complexion, Enhanced Skin Appearance, Improved Skin texture

125 Ratings reported at least 1 of The Following Product Reactions:

Irritation, burning, redness, stinging, caused sensitivity, aggravated oily skin, caused duller We Can Help Eliminate These Concerns if you Tell us Your skin. The Remaining Negative Comments were NOT Related to product performance , But were Disatisfaction with the Retailer’s shipping delays, wrong product delivered and retailer customer service issues.

Sample of a User Review That
Discusses Product Performance

5.0 out of 5 stars This is a game changer!
Date of Review: December 12,2023

I’ve struggled to find the perfect makeup remover for a while, but I’ve finally found one that exceeded my expectations. This makeup remover is an absolute game-changer. One of the standout features of this remover is its ability to remove eye makeup thoroughly. It effortlessly wipes away mascara, eyeshadow, and even stubborn waterproof eyeliner without any tugging or scrubbing. I’ve tried countless other removers, but none have been as effective at gently and quickly removing eye makeup like this one.

Another benefit of this remover is how thoroughly it cleanses the skin. Even after a long day of wearing heavy makeup, this remover effortlessly lifts away every trace of foundation, concealer, and bronzer. As a result, my skin feels clean, fresh, soft, and rejuvenated.

What sets this makeup remover apart from others is the impact it has had on my skin. Since I started using this remover, my complexion has noticeably improved. I’ve seen a reductionin breakouts and my skin looks healthier overall. As a busy mom of three, it’s also a huge time saver! I can remove my makeup and cleanse my skin in one step.

Terms Others Use to Make You Feel
Safe But You May Not Be


The word “Organic” and Certified Organic in cosmetics refers to the farming method and use of pesticides. Organic Doesn’t mean the organic matter is safe or effective Poison Ivy can be grown organically but you wouldn’t want to apply it in a lotion to your face. Soybean oil used in organic moisturizers can clog pores and has been linked to breakouts. We eliminate Organic Products that have Ingredients linked to health problems.

Organic Consumer Association Found
“Over 40% of Organic Natural Products Tested Contained Cancer-causing ingredients

Natural, Clean, Green

There are no regulations governing the terms “Natural”, “Clean”, or “Green” when marketing beauty products. So they are pretty meaningless terms. It doesn’t mean safer, better for your health, more effective, more environmentally-friendly, or chemical-free. Many natural chemicals can be harmful. We eliminate Products that have Ingredients linked to health problems.


Synthetic products can be your best choice to solve your skin and hair concerns for the following reasons:

They are continually tested in a lab with user results monitored, and the formula can be changed when needed.

Formulated in a lab, they allow for precise measurements of the active components which can maximize the efficacy of the product.

Synthetic ingredients can be precisely controlled, ensuring that each product batch is consistent in quality and effectiveness.

They can be formulated with safe preservatives and have a longer shelf life and less likely to grow bacteria

They can be formulated to only include safe ingredient formulations

They have a lower cost

We eliminate Products that have Ingredients linked to health problems.

Our AI Reads Ingredients of over 200,000 best selling products to find those with non-toxic Ingredients

We never recommend products that have any of the 2,400 ingredients banned by the European Union & Its 27 countries that they believe causes health problems if applied to certain areas of the skin.

AI reads 25,000 of each Safer Product’s Verified Purchaser Reviews to conf irm Each Product Delivered the Skin
& Hair Problem Solutions Promised

All of our recommended products are those we found to be best selling in each product category, fully supported solve your Skin & Hair problems, and our extensive research, rather than brand advertising.

Each of our product recommendations has in excess of 5.000 perfect 5-star reviews out of 5. This means the product user was totally satisfied that the product delivered what it described it would do. We have gathered some of the reviews for you to read. However, everyone’s skin is different. For your protections, you can try any of our recommended products for 60 days and if you don’t achieve the results you wanted simply return the unused product and you’ll receive a full Credit for the amount you paid to buy any other product.

Do You Have Any Skin Concerns
You Would Like Us to Address?


Select Your Age Range

Select Your Ethnicity


What gender do you identify with?

Hormones have a big impact on how our skin looks and feels at every age


What is your skin type?


How sensitive is your skin?


Your Ingredient Allergies

Our Systems will make sure products we recommend don’t have ingredients you are allergic too even if they’re on the label with a synonym name not familiar to You


Enter Any Others

Your Experience With Popular Skin & HairTreatment Ingredients

Select those ingredients that either didn’t help you or caused an allergic reaction

Your Skin Concerns



Any Additional Concerns?

Identifying these helps us create a treatment program for your desired skin appearance

Which skincare products do you use?

Do you wear sunscreen outdoors?

Do You Have Any Hair Concerns
You Would Like Us to Address?


Your Hair Type

Your Hair Concerns

How Long is Your Hair

How Much of Your Hair is Grey?

Where Do You Put Your Hair On The Oily / Dry Spectrum?


Do You Get Split Ends?

Do You Feel That You’re Shedding More Hair Than Usual Lately?


How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?

What Hair Products Do You Use On Your Hair?

What Other Products Do You Use?


A Survey Done by Groupon, found that the average American woman spends $3,756 a year ($312 Monthly average), on Beauty Products For their appearance and the Average Man spends $2,038 a year ($243 monthly).

The Average American Woman Spends $3.756 ($312 Monthly)

on Skincare, Hair Care, Makeup, and Beauty Products

The Average man spends $2,038 a Year,$(243 Monthly)

on Skincare, Hair Care, Makeup, and Beauty Products

How Much Do You and Your Family
Spend Monthly on Beauty Products?

Would You Like To Save 75% Off the Yearly Cost of
ALL Beauty Products You & Your Family Use?

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Hair Care



Beauty Tools

Beauty Equipment

All Popular Brands & Products

Achieve Beauty Members Will Get A PROMO CODE to Use at Ecosmetics checkout to SAVE AN EXTRA 25% OFF ECOSMETICS ALREADY LOW PRICES

If you find a lower price within 30 days you’ll receive a refund for the difference plus save an extra 10%

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Safe & Effective Product Recommendations Based On Who You Are & Your Skin and Hair Concerns

Each Recommended Product Includes a Detailed Ingredient
Analysis Proving None of its Ingredients are NOT any of the

2,400 banned in the Europe, Canada,
Japan and 27 other countries
20,000 ingredients identified to cause
health problems

12 Months of Ongoing Consulting to Check Your Results With Our Product Recommendations and Provide Alternative recommendations, if needed, until you Achieve the Skin and Hair You Want

GUARANTEED SAVINGS If our recommended sellers don’t save you more than 2 times our yearly membership fee, let us know, and we’ll send you a refund

Receive a Free Home & Bottled Water Toxic Chemical Analysis



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*You May Cancel At Any Time Without A Further Obligation

You'll save more than our membership fee in just one purchase from our 25%-50% off lowest price sellers.

Pending Health Crisis
Caused by Water You Drink

A recent study by the U.S. Center for Disease Control found harmful PFAS chemicals are in over 50% of house water even if you are using a home water filter. These chemicals have been found to cause cancer, infertility, slow metabolism and weight gain, slow child mental and physical development, Alzheimer’s and more. A health crisis is predicted.

CLICK HERE and see how becoming a member of Achieve Beauty can reduce your water costs aby up to70% or More, and help you avoid the health crisis caused by water you Drink »

Free Analysis
of Your Home Water

What bottled water
brand do you drink?

  • Don’t Have Faucet Water Filter
  • Don’t Have Shower Water Filter

it’s free – no credit card needed


3M Corporation Agreed to Pay $10.5 Billion to
$12.5 Billion to Settle PFAS Water Lawsuits

Over 200 Million Americans Exposed

A study by the Environmental Working Group estimates that more than 200 Million Americans have PFAS in their drinking water and a 2019 study by the CDC indicated that 97% of Americans have PFAS in their blood.

Bone Fracture & Osteoporosis

Scientists in Sweden analyzed the data from over 60,000 people looking at the incidence of major bone fractures and compared these patients to PFAS exposure levels based on their water supplies. Their studies increased the evidence that PFAS exposure is harmful to bone density and may increase the incidence of osteoporosis.

It Only Takes 1 PFAS Or Endocrine Disruptor Chemical (EDC)
if Any of the Following Conditions Concern You Take Action NOW Before It’s Too Late

PFAS Chemicals
Accumulate & Boiling Water Doesn’t Remove Them

build up which

means even low exposures are cause for concern over time as our body accumulates more and more of them. The more products you’re using with Endicrine Disruptors the gteater your danger. Be sure to have us check all products you’re using including mouthwash, hand soap, cleasers, moisturizers, sunscren, serums, deodorant, shampo, lotions and other personal care products.

Breast Cancer 

The National
Institute of
Health, On
April 23, 2020,

reported Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere and impair the function of mammary development. The overall cumulative exposure of women to Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals, results in an increased risk for breast cancer.

Weight Gain and
Difficulty Losing Weight

When EDC’S
lock connections
hormones and

their receptors, they “reprogram” the parts of the endocrine system that govern metabolism, energy balance and appetite.EDC’S change the sensitivity to glucose (sugar) and the metabolism of lipids (fatty acids). All of this predisposes a person to gain weight.

Dangers to Children Years Before,
During and After Pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors accumulated
in a mother’s body,even
years before pregnacy or
during pregnacy, can cause

miscrariages, low birth weight and birth defects.

Endocrine disruptors can cause child growth and developmental problems including arention and autism, even puberty and sex differentiation confusion.

High Blood Pressure

If endocrine disruptor chemicals cause the adrenal glands to make too much aldosterone, cortisol, or hormones similar to adrenaline, it can cause high blood pressure.

If the endocrine disruptor chemical causes an under active or overactive thyroid gland it can cause high blood pressure as well as a lower metabolism and weight gain.

High Blood Sugar Levels

Endocrine disruptor chemicals can impair insulin production and increase blood sugar levels and cause Type 2 Diabetes.


A Yale University PFAS study determined that the women with higher amounts of PFAS in their maternal plasma had an 80% to 120% increased risk of miscarriage than those with lower amounts of PFAS. The researchers listed drinking water as one of the primary routes of PFAS exposure into the human body.

Congress Acknowledges the Harm of PFAS
Chemicals in Water

Congress found that more than a million Marines, Sailors, civilian workers, and their families were exposed to PFAS Chemicals in water at Camp Lejeune, even if they had a water filter.And drinking or bathing in this water – even for as little as 30 days – can cause kidney cancer, liver cancer non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Leukemia, bladder cancer, Parkinson’s Diseaseand organ failures. They passed the Camp Lejeune Act to provide compensation of $150,000 to $450,000 for people who got these sicknesses, and an additional $100,000 for death without requiring a trial.

Most Home Drinking Water
Filters Don’t Completely
Remove Toxic PFAS Chemicals

Research by Duke and NC State scientists finds most filters are only partially effective at removing PFAS. Filters not properly maintained, can even make the situation worse.

Federal Drug


Seventeen people have died this year after being exposed to hand sanitizer with methanol.

Organic Consumers


Over 40% tested contained cancer causing ingredients.

Yale Medicine


Benzopheone found in many sunscreens is suspected of causing leukemia and other cancers.


Research strongly suggests that at certain exposure levels, some of the chemicals in cosmetics may contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Harvard University


Ingredients can damage the mental development of youngsters and trigger austim and attention deficit disorder.

Reduce Your Water Cost by 70% or More

Select Daily Total Number of Bottled Waters You and Members of Your Household Drink Daily

Enter Name of Bottled Water You Drink

Your Bottled Water May Cost More Than You Think

The average cost of a bottled water in the U.S. is $0.87. If your household drinks just 1 bottled water a day your daily cost is $0.87 and your monthly cost is $26.00 ($0.87 x 30). If the members of your household drink 4 bottled waters a day your daily household cost is $3.48 a day ($0.87 x 4)., and your monthly cost is $104.40.

You entered that your household drinks a total of 1 bottles a day. So your daily cost is $0.87 ($0.87 x 1), and your monthly cost is $26.10 ($0.87 x 30).

As a Member we will arrange for to receive a home water filter system that removes PFAS and all other EDC chemicals from your home water and enjoy unlimited – great tasting faucet water& bottled Water for a reduced Cost of $14 a month from the $208.80 you spend now for just bottled.

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