Product #

Ingredient Analysis


Product Name

Product Ingredients Shown On Brand Website

Ingredient Analysis Information

Shows Label Name, Our analysis is based on this name and any of its synonyms

This column shows if the label name is a synonym for an allergen name

The links in this column go to additional information about the ingredient

Why Manufacturers Use Harmful Ingredients

Harmful ingredients cost less Manufacturers justify using harmful ingredients by saying they only use a small amount. There is no safe amount. For example, an endocrine disruptor ingredient, at any concentration, can affect hormones and cause infertility, slow child development, cancer and organ malfunction throughout a user’s life and their children.


  • We cannot guarantee the safety or toxicity or irritation of any ingredient in any product. The information we present is only based on the published information we have been able to find as of the date of our research.
  • You should only use our information to become aware of certain ingredient risks that we have been able to find, but you should never assume that any ingredient or combination of ingredients is safe or will not cause any negative reactions for you.

Our ingredient list came from the brand’s website. If the ingredients on your product’s label do not match the ingredients listed below, then download our FREE Mobile Phone App and follow the instructions to take a photo of the product’s ingredient label and we will provide a FREE modified ingredient analysis.

Should We Recommend an Alternative Product With Proven Effective Safer ingredients to Provide the Same Benefits and Address the Same Concerns As This Product?

Why Do Manufacturers Use Harmful Ingredients

Harmful ingredients are included in products by manufacturers because they are low cost and can either help improve texture, shelf life, or have other properties that make the product more saleable in the short-term, even though it can do long-term harm.

How Manufacturers Justify Using Harmful Ingredients

Manufacturers justify using harmful ingredients by stating that they only include a small amount. But ingredients accumulate in your body and you may be using multiple products with the same or other harmful ingredients and the total amount exceeds the danger level and can become life threatening amount.

Example of Short Term Harm
Even a Very Small Ingredient Amount Can Cause

There are many ingredients where a very small amount can have an immediate effect. For example, Endocrine Disruptor ingredients either trick our body into thinking that they are hormones, or block natural hormones from doing their job. For example, birth control pills, use hormones not produced in the body to “trick” the body into a certain response (preventing ovulation).

The FDA Doesn’t Have The Heeded Authority to Protect You

Large cosmetic companies are not in the business of health or environment; they are in the business of selling beauty products. Personal care products and their ingredients (with the exception of color additives) are not subject to FDA premarket approval. Additionally, the FDA can’t recall dangerous cosmetic products.

Is Ingredient Research Dependable?

A lot of the information about the effects of toxic ingredients comes from animal studies. This is mainly because humans are exposed to such a wide range of chemicals in our day-to-day lives that narrowing down the impact of just one is difficult.

Scientists need controlled laboratory settings so they can make sure their test subjects are only exposed to different levels of the chemical that is being studied. Since isolating a human this way would be impractical and unethical, so studies have turned to animals instead.

The trouble with this approach is that animals and humans are not the same and these chemicals may affect us differently than they do a rat or a mouse.

So, while studies show the adverse effects of a toxic ingredient on the health of other mammals, birds, and fish, the correlation between them and human health issues cannot be proven with 100% certainty and that’s how manufacturers can take advantage of their low cost and use them to manufacture their products. But there’s no reason for you to take the risk of using products that include harmful ingredients when there are so many safer and effective alternative products available.

Example Of Short Term Harm
Using Small Ingredient Amount

There are many ingredients where a very small amount can have an immediate effect. For example, Endocrine Disruptor ingredients either trick our body into thinking that they are hormones, or block natural hormones from doing their job. For example, birth control pills, use hormones not produced in the body to trick the body into a certain response (preventing ovulation).

Birth control use is intentional, but endocrine disruptors entering your body through products you’re using, is not intentional, but can significantly affect your body s functioning.


  • We cannot guarantee the safety or toxicity or irritation of any ingredient in any product. The information we present is only based on the published information we have been able to find as of the date of our research.
  • You should only use our information to become aware of certain ingredient risks that we have been able to find, but you should never assume that any ingredient or combination of ingredients is safe or will not cause any negative reactions for you.