Avoid Harmful Chemicals
and Toxic Ingredients
You and Your Family Are Using

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Most Harmful Products

All-Purpose Cleaner Dangers

Many All-Purpose Cleaners contain very toxic grease-cutting agents, solvent chemicals, and/or sudsing agents. These can irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat, cause cancer and affect the brain and nervous system.

Lipstick Dangers

Lips easily absorbs ingredients and each time you lick your lips, or eat, you ingest another small dose of these toxic chemicals. Studies show that lipsticks include ingredients linked to miscarriages, infertility, cancer, and more. Some are banned in Europe but still sold in the U.S.

Blush & Bronzer Dangers

Blush & Bronzer remain on your skin all day and have toxic ingredients that according to Safe Cosmetics and EWG are proven carcinogens. Other Blush & Bronzer ingredients have been linked to eczema, hives, and anaphylaxis. Many of the color additives are also considered carcinogenic even at low levels.

Deodorant Dangers

Over 50% of breast cancers start in the upper outer quadrant of the breast local to the underarm region. 1 out of 8 women are expected to develop breast cancer during their lifetime. A new study found chemicals known to cause cancer in humans in 44 out of 86 popular deodorant products studied.

Detangler Dangers

Certain oils used as a detangler or hair conditioner have been linked to skin cancer. Many also include significant amounts of Petroleum Jelly, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and many other harmful ingredients. Even a small amount of these ingredients can be harmful to hair cells and overall health.

Foundation Dangers

Some toxic ingredients in foundation can mimic estrogen causing many conditions like oily skin, brain fog, breakouts, dry flaky skin, fatigue, and much more. Some can disrupt hormones which leads to infertility, trouble getting and staying pregnant, and painful and irregular periods.

Face Wash Dangers

Many face cleansers contain ingredients dangerous to both health and skin. Some strip lipids causing wrinkles and cell damage. Some make your skin brittle and dehydrated. Some clog pores and cause breakouts. Toxic face wash ingredients have been linked to hormone production, breast cancer and infertility, including reproductive problems and birth defects.

Eye Cream Dangers

One of the most frequently used ingredients in eye creams has recently been found to clog pores and has also been linked to cancer and immunotoxicity. Another commonly used ingredient is one of the most widely acknowledged cancer causing ingredients. Both of the above ingredients are found in the blood stream within minutes of application.

Glass & Window Cleaner Dangers

Some window and glass cleaner ingredients cause skin or respiratory irritation, and some are associated with long-term effects such as cancer.

Hand Soap Dangers

Toxic ingredients in traditional soap are used to create lather, scents, and kill bacteria. The FDA estimates that about 40% of soaps have at least one toxic ingredient that is not safe.

Hair Shampoo Dangers

Shampoo is often a cause of slowing hair growth or thinning, and other health problems. For example, the American College of Toxicology states that SLS, which has a dozen alias names, can cause malformation in children’s eyes. Other research indicates it can harm the immune system.

Hair Conditioner Dangers

Conditioning chemicals can cause serious side effects including liver, kidney and brain damage or deformation. The ingredient DEA used in hair conditioning products totals over 100,000 tons a year and repeated application, according to the University of Chicago, can cause liver and kidney cancer.

Moisterizer Dangers

Some ingredients in moisturizers contribute to dry & flaky skin, and cause blemishes, blackheads, acne breakouts, rashes, burning, skin discoloration, redness and itching. Other included ingredients can harm the human immune system. Some include suspected carcinogens banned in the European Union.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner Dangers

A toxic chemical in toilet bowl cleaner is hydrochloric acid, that causes eye and respiratory tract irritation if inhaled and kidney damage. Some people unknowingly add bleach to the bowl and the combination with HCI releases chlorine gas, which can cause breathing problems. Very high levels can cause death.

Hand Sanitizer Dangers

In October 2021, the FDA published three Hand Sanitizer guidance documents. They listed 200 hand sanitizers they say consumers should immediately stop using because they include toxic ingredients.

The FDA, in one release stated: Toxic ingredients in many Hand Sanitizers, can result in “blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma, permanent damage to the nervous system or death.”

Several research studies reported some Hand Sanitizer ingredients have negative effects on fertility, fetal development, and rates of asthma.

Nail Polish Dangers

Many people wrongly think that nail polish isn’t absorbed into our blood, but nail polish solvents actually increase the skin’s absorption and cause serious health problems. Many nail polish ingredients sold in the U.S. are banned in Europe and may negatively affect both liver and kidney health, cause breast and other cancers and may be detrimental to heart health and blood circulation. In addition the inhalation of nail polish fumes can be very harmful and so can ingestion that results from nail-biting with young children.

Perfume Dangers

Woman Voices of the Earth found that a third of all fragrance chemicals have been flagged as potentially toxic by scientists around the world. The international Fragrance Association reported that over 50% of perfumes they tested showed links to cancer, heart disease, infertility, kidney and liver problems and many more health problems.

Sunscreen Dangers

FDA warned, in January 2020, that 14 of 16 ingredients found in chemical sunscreens can increase infertility, birth defects, breast and other cancers. The U.S. Department of Health found a common ingredient in many sunscreens known to cause blood cancer, and suppress the immune system. The FDA found that after just one application sunscreen ingredients can be absorbed into the blood and remain there an extended period of time.

Baby Bath Dangers

Any toxic ingredient is more potent for a smaller body. More than half of children’s bath soaps, shampoos, lotions, and other personal care products tested by the group Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (CSC) were found to contain probable cancer causing ingredients. And many children soak and play in the tub for an hour or more, which adds to the danger.

Toothpaste Dangers

Ingredients used in your mouth bypass your body’s protective filtering systems and are absorbed directly into your blood. Overexposure to fluoride can lead to cancer, birth defects, renal failure and death. Other toothpaste ingredients banned in Canada, but sold in the U.S. are linked to breast cancer, child overactivity and more.

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