Europe, Canada, Japan & 40 Countries

Ban Over 1700 Harmful Ingredients
FDA Can Only Ban 25

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You’ll Receive an Analysis of EVERY Ingredient
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Skincare Concerns

Haircare Concerns

Product Name

Product Description

For Each Product You Enter
Receive the Following Details

  • Good & Bad each ingredient has been found to cause

  • Alternative better performing ingredients and products when needed

Example of Problems Ingredients In Products You’re Using Can Cause
Sunscreen Blemishes, premature skin aging, disrupt hormones and cause fatigue, slow mental development, infertility, birth defects, cancer and more.
Face Wash & Moisturizer Clog pores and cause acne, redness, dryness, and oiliness.Some make your skin older looking, and duller looking not brighter, and many health problems.
Shampoo & Conditioner Hair dryness, hair loss, color fading, limp strands, greasiness, dandruff, frizziness, breakage, unmanageability, and many health problems.
Vitamin C There are many vitamin C ingredients. One is proven to be best. If your product has a lower performing vitamin C it’s because of its lower cost while allowing the brand to falsely claim the benefits of the only form of vitamin C proven to perform.
Any Other Products Many products contain endocrine disruptors that cause breast & other cancers, infertility in women, low sperm counts in men, nervous system disorders and depression, loss of sleep, thyroid & metabolism interference causing unwanted weight gain or loss, brain damage causing slow child mental development, hyperactivity, Alzheimer’s, and other health problems.

Beware of Dangers
In Products You’re Using

Shampoos, Conditioners and Sprays

Sulfates known by over 200 different ingredient names strip your hair and scalp of their natural oils and color, leaving dryness, flaking, and irritation behind. They are also carcinogens that also lead to kidney damage and hormone disruption. Triclosan that can lead to infertility, fetal harm, immune system issues, weight loss or gain, depression, uncontrolled cellular reproduction, and cancer. And there are many other hidden ingredient dangers.

Moisturizers, Skin Cleansers and Soaps

Some ingredients in moisturizers, skin cleansers, and soaps create dry and flaking skin people using them are trying to solve. Some have been proven to cause pimples, blackheads, white heads, skin discoloration, and health problems from disrupting hormone production to breast and other cancers.

Lipsticks & Makeup

The thin skin of lips with no hair or sweat glands, and each time you lick your lips, makes absorption of harmful ingredients easy. Lipstick and makeup can include carcinogens like methylparaben, a preservative with concerns about it being carcinogenic, retinyl palmitate, shown to be harmful for pregnant women, and ingredients linked to reproductive problems and much more.


You may think fluoride is good and prevents tooth decay. But it creates dangers and adding it to the water is banned in Germany, Belgium, Austria and Norway as well as many Asian countries. Higher levels of fluoride has been connected with a 7-point decrease in IQ in children. And there are many other harmful ingredients in toothpaste.


The deodorant you use every day is full of potentially harmful chemicals that are absorbed through your underarm and stored in the fat cells located there. One of the chemicals found in deodorant is aluminum, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, prostate cancer, and breast cancer and there are many more.


The FDA warned in 2020, that after just one application sunscreen can soak through the skin into the blood and 14 of 16 most commonly used ingredients can disrupt hormones, add to the risk of breast and other cancers, infertility problems, birth defects and child development. The CDC found ingredients in sunscreens can cause health problems ranging from headaches to dizziness and even death. At the same time the FDA concluded which sunscreens are safe for adults and children.


There are many different serums and treatment products available to address various skin and hair concerns. The effectiveness of any serum depends on its active ingredients, the ingredient’s concentration level, and ingredients of other products being used that can affect its effectiveness. Be sure to enter all the products you’re using.

You Deserve To Know
About Harmful Ingredients in Products You’re Using