Ingredient Overview

Source of Our Ingredient Information

Our ingredient analysis comments are taken from clinical and other research results, and other published information.


  • We cannot guarantee the safety or toxicity or irritation of any ingredient in any product. The information we present is only based on the published information we have been able to find.

  • We may have not been able to find all available information and the information we did find may not be accurate. This means the information we present may be wrong because of other information not found or changed.

  • You should only use our information to become aware of certain ingredient risks that we have been able to find, but you should never assume that any ingredient or combination of ingredients is safe or will not cause any negative reactions for you.

  • We are only making you aware of the information we have been able to find as of a certain date.

We Need to Know About All Products
You’re Currently Using

The research may indicate an ingredient you’re using can be helpful in addressing your skin or hair concerns, but it may not be helping you because product performance depends on the product’s ingredient’s concentration level and the ingredients of the other products you’re using that it’s indirectly being mixed with.

Alternative Ingredient Information Reviewed

As we describe the safety and performance information about the ingredients you’re currently using, we will also introduce you to alternative ingredients that we feel are best for different skin types, and skin and hair concerns.

Receive Customized Personal Recommendations

We can provide personalized product recommendations to help you achieve the skin & hair results you want, once we know all the products you’re using, your age, gender, ethnicity, your skin and hair type, your ingredient allergies, as well as your specific skin and hair concerns.

We also provide ongoing monitoring of your results with our recommendations, so we can make adjustments as needed.

Source of Our Ingredient Information

Our ingredient analysis comments are taken from clinical and other research results, and other published information. We cannot guarantee the safety or toxicity or irritation of any ingredient in any product. The information we present is only based on the published information we have been able to find.

True ingredient Identity

Some brands hide the unfavorable reviews of an ingredient by using one of its dozens of unfamiliar synonym names on their label. We identify every ingredient’s true identity. This well-known ingredient name is shown below